When you are shopping for a hosting service, it makes sense to look into the policy that you plan offers for the addon domains. These are the domain names that you purchase, so that you can use them in the future or employ them for domain forwarding or email hosting right now.
50 addon domains is a good feature to chase after
Even if you don’t currently see the need for having 50 addon domains on your hands, this might change in the future with you going all in on various blogs, vlogs, personal sites and sites for specific products or services.
And whenever you actually need those additional “slots” for domains, you’ll either have to move shop to another host, which is a hassle, or let go of your strategy. Domain names are extremely cheap, but when used strategically for parking, they can strengthen your SEO strategy a lot.
So, make sure that the provider is ready to allow adding multiple domains and find out the exact number. Some providers allow 50, others – 25, and yet others – only 1.fake watches